Croaking Green Tree Frog

Hear the sound of Green Tree Frogs Croaking

What does the Australian green tree frog sound like when it croaks?

Well….we have recorded these green tree frog croaking audio files just for you!

The male green tree frog croaks or calls to female green tree frogs in the local vicinity when the weather is right. He wants her to come and join him as he’s ready to fertilise her eggs. It’s up to her if accepts his invitation.

There needs to be water in ponds, puddles etc to lay the eggs in and for fertilization to take place. If it is raining, that’s just perfect as this signals the water source is likely to be maintained for the tadpoles to grow, develop and metamorph.

Hear the sound of green tree frogs croaking:



Original Audio -Unedited MP4 Play to your class or get your frogs "IN THE MOOD" for successful breeding. Create an unforgettable atmosphere for your garden, plant nursery, pet shop, or…