Tag Archives: student information

Breeding Green Tree Frogs

Welcome to a pictorial account of our Green Tree Frog Breeding Season. On these pages you will find a diary of the first five days in the life of a green tree frog. the events summarise the green tree frog development of the first eggs laid for the season. Follow their extraordinary life cycle. See […]

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Raising Green Tree Frog Tadpoles

Continued from Breeding Green Tree Frogs Day 6: There has been little change in the tadpoles. It is now just a matter of feeding , keeping the temperature at or about 30C and monitoring water quality. Above: This picture is to try to give you an idea of the green tree frog tadpole size at […]

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Feeding Green Tree Frogs

Speckled Feeder Roaches (Nauphoeta cinerea or Woodies) Grow your own frog food! For many years we have bred both crickets and speckled feeder roaches for the green tree frogs and by far the easiest is the roach. Why? Because Speckled Feeder Roaches are: Easy to keep and breed. They live for about a year. As […]

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Green Tree Frog Facts

Interesting facts about the Green Tree Frog, Litoria caerulea 1. Australian/Indonesian/Papua New Guinea tropical/semi tropical/temperate amphibian 2. Arboreal – adapted for living and moving about in trees. Live on land and in trees 3. They have large disc like structures on the ends of their fingers and toes to assist climbing 4. They also have […]

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Frog Shop

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Croaking Frog Video

See and hear a male green tree frog croaking! Just click the play button to see the sample movie clip.

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Croaking Green Tree Frog

Hear the sound of Green Tree Frogs Croaking What does the Australian green tree frog sound like when it croaks? Well….we have recorded these green tree frog croaking audio files just for you! The male green tree frog croaks or calls to female green tree frogs in the local vicinity when the weather is right. […]

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